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The canary girls of the First World War

Thousands of women worked in munitions factories during the First World War. Prolonged exposure to the chemical TNT turned the women’s skin a lurid yellow colour. As a result, they became known as the canary girls...

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Real life murder on the Basingstoke Canal

In my novel, Death at Crookham Hall, a murder takes place in 1920 in the real-life location of the Basingstoke Canal as it runs through Crookham. When I wrote this book, I had no idea that a tragic murder had taken place there in 1925…

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Suffragettes march on Buckingham Palace

On 21st May 1914, Emmeline Pankhurst was arrested at the gates of Buckingham Palace. She was trying to lead a delegation to see King George V - but more than 2,000 police officers were sent to stop her.

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Who were the first female detectives in Britain?

In the Iris Woodmore Mysteries, Iris is a young journalist who turns sleuth. The novels are set in the 1920s, and there were no female detectives in the British police force at this time. But all that was about to change…

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